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Le Co-lab Workshop Microfluidics and Biomedical Research
Vendredi 30 juin 2017, de 15h à 21h
Dans le cadre du « Co-lab workshop Microfluidics and Biomedical Research » organisé par Open Science School, l’ESPGG accueille un workshop interdisciplinaire de microfluidique vendredi 30 juin de 15h00 à 21h00.
Etudiants, chercheurs, hackers, artistes > inscrivez-vous pour participer !
Dans la limite des 25 places disponibles. Vous recevrez un message de confirmation de votre participation.
Atelier soutenu par la Region Ile-de-France dans le cadre du projet Living Lab 2017
Plus d’infos sur le Co-lab workshop Microfluidics and Biomedical Research
Facebook event
Join us for a weekend full of science in CRI and IPGG ! 30 June - July 2nd
Come and join us for a weekend full of science in CRI and IPGG !
We will host open hardware microfluidics projects OpenDrop, Dropbot and the Cell squeezer to brainstorm, gather help from the local community, and find new applications.
If you are interested in microfluidics and have relevant skills in arts, engineering, programming, biological sciences, apply now !
Over the workshop, we will mix students, academics, hackers and artists to create tangible solutions for digital biology and cell squeezers. This can be the start of a summer love !